School Uniform

Dress Standards and Uniform at Monash School

School Uniform


Dress Standards and Uniforms Information and Procedures


Monash School’s uniform and dress standards meet the Education Directorate’s Dress Standards and Uniforms in Canberra Public Schools 2016 policy requirements. Our uniform was designed with our school community including students, staff and families and was endorsed by the School Board on 27 February 2019


Our school uniform is a visual representation of the standards expected of students and plays an important role in promoting a positive image of our school. Our uniform aims to support all students to participate fully in school life and help create a sense of identity and a school culture in which every student experiences a sense of belonging. Our school’s uniform ensures all students are easily recognisable as belonging to our school and are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities

Our school uniform represents our Monash School community and this document was developed to align with health and safety considerations, anti-discrimination and human rights legislation which protects the rights of students to participate in education safely, actively and equally.

The wearing of school uniforms can also assist to:

  • promote a sense of inclusiveness, non­discrimination and equal opportunity
  • make school clothing more affordable for families by eliminating the risk of peer pressure to wear transiently fashionable and expensive clothes.

Implementing school uniform requirements

Students attending Monash School are expected to wear school uniform while travelling to school, at school and attending official school activities.  

The School Uniform

We want all students to equally access the full range of activities at our school and feel comfortable whilst they do so. Our uniform options promote freedom of choice for all students by categorising options by clothing type rather than gender. This empowers all young people, including those who express their identity in diverse ways; to choose from options which meet the uniform standards without enforcing gendered items that may cause discomfort, anxiety or distress.

Students can choose from the variety of items listed below.

  • Shirts
  • Shorts
  • Pants
  • Skorts
  • Skirts
  • Dresses
  • Jumpers
  • Jumpers

We take pride in our school and our students, so please ensure all items students wear are tidy and in good repair. Items and suppliers have been chosen to ensure affordability, quality and comfort.

Health, Wellbeing and Safety

Special consideration and exemptions

Students who require modification or adjustments to the school uniform due to, health, wellbeing, disability, cultural and/or religious beliefs; are encouraged to meet with the Principal to discuss how we can support you.

The Principal may grant all students a uniform exemption for designated special events such as fundraising uniform-free days and school carnivals. House colours can be worn at whole school events such as athletics or swimming carnivals.

When a student isn’t in uniform

The whole school community has a role to play in encouraging the wearing of our school’s uniform. We ask parents and carers to support this procedure and ensure students are appropriately dressed to participate in school activities. Students will be asked for a note of explanation from parents/carers if they arrive at school not in uniform.

If students do not meet uniform expectations the following actions may arise:

Purchasing School Uniforms

Savvy School Wear, Homeworld Tuggeranong, Greenway

Some uniform items can be purchased from a variety of retail stores that sell general school uniform items including Big W, K-Mart and Target.

Our clothing pool is operated by the P&C and sells second-hand uniform items. The uniform shop is pleased to accept second hand uniform items in good condition. Refer to the uniform section of the school newsletter or contact the front office for opening hours.

For families experiencing financial hardship, our school offers assistance with uniforms. Please speak with the Principal for more information.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

The Principal is responsible for the development of this procedure and to ensure positive reinforcement of the procedure occurs through regular reminders, for example via the schools Facebook page, newsletters, information nights and other communication channels.

Any concerns about the application of this procedure or the procedure itself, should be raised with:


Date of Publishing:

Date for Review:     27 February 2024

Related documents

Related Legislation

Discrimination Act 1991

Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Racial Discrimination Act 1975

Human Rights Act 2004

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Lost Property

Unclaimed belongings are kept in a container near the Canteen and may be checked at any time. Items remaining at the end of the school term are donated to charity. Small valuable items such as money, watches, phones and bus passes are handed in to the front office and can be collected from there.